One-click bug reports

Record bugs straight in your browser and share them as links.

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Whitespace - One-click bug reports straight from your browser | Product Hunt
Replay your recorded bug as a pixel-perfect video. Whitespace creates a frame-by-frame recording so you can be confident your video is exactly the same what you recorded.
See vital context, extra information and hidden errors with captured logs and uncaught exceptions.
Replay http requests and responses with statuses, bodies, timings and headers. Don't worry sensitive information like tokens and passwords is automatically removed.
See when the user navigates to new pages, updates query parameters and reloads the page.
Replay mouse movements, mouse clicks and keyboard presses. Don't worry sensitive information like tokens and passwords is automatically removed.
Replay local storage and session storage changes during the recording.

Developers love it

Time travel
Some bugs are harder to reproduce. That's why you can save the last minute of any session with just the click of a button.
Sharable as links
Share your recordings with your colleagues as a link.
Http requests
Understand unhandled and hidden http errors. Status, body and headers are fully inspectable.
Frozen in time
All assets are fetched and stored by Whitespace. So recordings will never change even if you modify assets in your app.
Record from localhost
Record in-progress features straight from your local development environment.
Carbon copy
Capture what actually happened by recording changes to html, css, etc. instead of a grainy video.
Privacy filters
Remove sensitive data like passwords, token, session data.
Only your teammates can view your recordings.
Whitelist sites
Only activated on sites you choose.
The perfect bug report in seconds
Bug reports has looked the same since forever. You try to jam as much detail as possible to avoid the dreaded "can't reproduce". It's time to fix that. Whitespace captures every possible detail automatically and puts it all in a neat little package you can share as link.
Cannot change profile picture
When I try to update my name and profile picture in the settings view I get an error message saying: "failed to save settings".
Steps to reproduce
1. Login to the gallery with a regular user
2. Go to the settings page
3. Fill in a name
4. Select a profile picture
5. Press Save
6. An error message saying "failed to save settings" will be shown
App version
Desktop, macos 14, Chrome 121
User/sesssion info, regular user
With Whitespace
Cannot change profile picture
Add to your browser
Whitespace is a browser extension that you install from the Chrome Web Store. There's no need to ask a developer to add snippet of code to get started. The installation takes a few seconds. Just follow the link below to get started.
Get the extension now

Demo recording


Great for side-projects
  • Never deleted
    Recordings are available forever and never deleted.
  • Time travel
    Missed a hard-to-reproduce bug? Replay the last minute.
  • 60 seconds time limit
    Record complex scenarios. Up to 60 seconds.
  • Public recordings
    Each recording is publically sharable as a link.
  • Basic privacy filters
    Remove sensitive data from recordings.
Get started free
Great for teams
  • Everything in Personal
    Everything in the Personal plan is included.
  • 5 team members included
    Each additional team member is +$10/m.
  • 3 projects included
    Each additional project is +$10/m.
  • Private recordings
    Recordings are only sharable & visible for users in the team.
  • Public links (Coming soon)
    Share recordings outside your organization.
  • Advanced privacy filters (Coming soon)
    Add custom filters to remove sensitive data from recordings.
From $50/m
Get started
One-click bug reports straight from your browser
Built and hosted in EU 🇪🇺